There are many reason a woman will experience pain during intercourse. This is also known as dyspareunia. (dis-puh-ROO-nee-uh)
The Mayo clinic defines this as :
Pain only at sexual penetration (entry)
Pain with every penetration, even while putting in a tampon
New pain after previously pain-free intercourse
Deep pain during thrusting
Burning pain or aching pain
Throbbing pain, lasting hours after intercourse
Why does this happen?
Physical issues and emotional factors often play a role in the pain felt when having intercourse or engaging in genital foreplay. Please read about the influences that contribute to painful sex: physical and emotional considerations may be intertwined with this issue. Before you decide to seek therapy for this, please see your gynecologist and internist to determine and rule out any medical issues that can be resolved with medication, life style alterations and vitamins. This issue can affect your mood, your sense of self and your over all well being. When you secure a multidisciplinary team to work with you in resolving this, there is a viable chance for a better outcome.